Title II weapons, also known as “Class 3” or NFA firearms require special attention and care to legally sell, transfer and own. At Freedom Security we are equipped with the knowledge, experience, skill and special licensing to help your NFA transactions go smoothly. Having done thousands of NFA transfers in the past years, let us take care of your NFA needs today!

We’re here to guide you through the necessary paperwork and ensure that everything is in order before submitting your application. Once your application is approved, we’ll guide you through the process of receiving and using your new item. We’re committed to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your buying experience is as seamless and stress-free as possible, from start to finish!

NFA Stamps
  • New NFA Sales (Silencers, SBR’s, SBS’s, AOW’s, Machine Guns)
  • NFA Trust Creation
  • Weapons / Machine Gun Demos
  • Transferable Pre-86′ Machine Gun Sales
  • NFA Transfers (New & Used, Out-Of-State, Individuals, Other Dealers)
  • NFA Sales Brokering
  • ATF Form Preparation & Consulting
  • ATF NFA Laser Receiver Engraving
  • Custom AR-15 Short Barreled Uppers
  • AR-15 SBR / Machine Gun Service & Repair
  • NFA Firearm Inspection, Cleaning & Maintenance
  • Barrel Chops, Threading, Pin & Weld (Some Services By Affiliates)
  • Law Enforcement Demo’s & Sales (Including Post-86′ Machine Guns)

It is a common misconception that weapons such as silencers, machine guns or short barreled rifles are illegal or require a special permit, license or yearly fees. This is certainly not the case! If you can buy a regular gun, you can buy any type of NFA gun! The state of Pennsylvania is NFA friendly and we are here to help. The NFA process seems daunting at first, but we make it easy by eliminating the headaches!

CDS ARMS specializes in NFA firearms and we have our transfers down to a science. With our transfer process you only need to stop by our shop to pick up your item when your transfer is approved, so even PA buyers from further away have the convenience to make only one trip!

To get your NFA firearm transfer underway please CONTACT US today! For more information on NFA firearms, read the following helpful blog articles we have written.


NFA refers to the NATIONAL FIREARMS ACT OF 1934 and is a set of laws enacted that specify how certain types of firearms can be owned and “transferred” in the USA. There are also other laws such as the GUN CONTROL ACT OF 1968, the FIREARM OWNERS’ PROTECTION ACT OF 1986, and other state or local provisions concerning these types of weapons. As US citizens must must abide by all of these rules with any NFA firearm transaction.

The NFA specifies that the cost to transfer a Title II weapon to an individual is a $200 transfer tax for all NFA firearms except for “Any Other Weapons” (AOW’s) which are $5. This $200 or $5 “tax stamp” to purchase or “transfer” is literally a tax paid directly to the BATFE for your privilege of NFA ownership of the item. The fee is per item, per transfer. The good news is that NFA firearms are owned for life or beyond (unless you go through the process to sell them) and they pass transfer tax free to your heirs. While your NFA paperwork is pending approval with the ATF, CDS ARMS securely stores your firearm and you simply pick it up once your forms are approved.

In the great State of Pennsylvania you can legally own:
  • Suppressors (Silencers)
  • Short Barreled Rifles (<16″ barrel)
  • Short Barreled Shotguns (<18″ barrel)
  • Transferable Pre-86′ Machine Guns
  • A.O.W.’s “Any Other Weapons” (short barreled pistol grip shotguns, pen & cane guns, etc)
  • Destructive Devices (except those that explode like grenades, bombs, mines, mortars, rockets, etc) – Sorry, CDS ARMS does not deal in Destructive Devices.

Any person in PA who is legally allowed to own a Title I firearm will be approved for a NFA firearm by the ATF. The major difference in NFA ownership is the amount of paperwork required and the length of time for the transfer approval. When a NFA firearm is owned by an individual, that individual must maintain possession and custody of the item and/or provide secure storage for the firearm.

There are also provisions in the NFA for other legal entities such as a trust, LLC, or corporation to own NFA weapons. If you are using a trust, LLC, or corp to register your NFA item, we can easily process that paperwork!

At CDS ARMS, we do not charge a NFA “transfer fee” for Title II weapons purchased through us like the other guys. For this reason we recommend purchasing NFA items directly from us. For NFA firearms purchased online or from other dealers & individuals, we do need to charge a reasonable fee for the preparation of the paperwork and the lengthy secure storage of your NFA firearms. For items that are able to be purchased new, we can often save you money on the transfer and shipping fees and sell you the item direct! Plus buying from us ensures an easier and more timely process then waiting on other dealers to process your paperwork, await approval and ship your items. With the NFA item in our possession we are able to ensure things go as smoothly and quickly as possible.